Studio Legale Callipari

The Studio Legale Callipari, has the main office in Verona (Italy) and it provides, for more than thirty years, legal assistance at any level for companies, institutions, private citizens, representing an important point of reference in the Italian territory. The growing and complex demands that the socio-economic reality today requires prompted the law firm to focus its efforts on offering multidisciplinary legal services, providing specific expertise available in the field of civil, commercial, labor, criminal and administrative law. The law firm Callipari also offers its customers the professional services of accountants and business consultants, thus integrating its activity in the belief that the tax and labour assistance, represents the necessary completion of the legal one. For the same reason, the Firm avails itself of expert consultants collaboration to provide their technical expertise in customer support in the most varied sectors, with a high degree of specialization. Each professional has acquired in its sector a significant experience that allows him to develop the most suitable solutions to the customers, working closely with them in a continuous and collaborative dialogue. The Law Firm Callipari uses the most advanced organization and communication systems ensuring the customer high quality standards, professionalism and transparency.

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